Elevation Officiating Training

Process • Purpose • Poise

The industry leader in officiating training from beginner to professional.


Educate • Train

Here at EOT we are passionate about education and training. We take officials to the next level by helping them improve their skills, self-confidence, self-discipline, and work ethic. We believe an official must be mentally complete, thankful, and excited to build their career on and off the court.

Join EOT for our spring and summer webinar series, or our summer basketball referee camps located in Northern Maryland.


Getting better is your choice

Getting 1% percent better each day will elevate your performance to the highest level.

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 What We Do

Elevation Officiating Training hosts Spring and Summer Webinar series and summer basketball referee camps hosted in Northern Maryland. Learn more below.

 Who We Are

Meet Our Founder: Sean Hull.

Sean is an NCAA Men’s official and currently works in the ACC, CAA, A10, IVY, Patriot, MEAC, and the America East.

Sean is an amazing teacher with a phenomenal vision. He is passionate about challenging your ability and helping you to grow to your next level.

Meet the Founders: Bernard Clinton

Bernard is a current SEC observer and former NCAA Men’s official who worked the ACC, Big East. SEC, CAA, A10, Big South, North East, MEAC, CIAA, Ivy, Patriot. Bernard currently observes Men’s officials in the SEC.

Bernard’s love and passion for the game is contagious! His officiating expertise will help you take your career to the next level.

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